We just finished our second week of school at Laurel Mountain. And things are in full swing, including our Enrichment Slot, or E-slot, time that occurs Friday morning from 8:00-9:00. This is a time when students can explore special topics or projects, based on their interests. And yes, this happens EVERY Friday at LME.
How do the teachers know what the students are interested in? During the first few weeks of school EVERY student at Laurel Mountain completes an interest survey. The surveys contain a list of different areas that we think the students would be interested in. The students complete the survey but indicating their top ten or five interest areas. Then, the data is calculated and organized.
The teachers use the information from interest surveys to come up with different activities during the E-slot. For example, if a class indicated on the interest survey they love to cook, then the teacher might teach the class how to cook a kid-friendly recipe or even ask a parent to come in and demonstrate a family or cultural favorite.
Here is an example of what Mrs. Castro's Cougars did last week during their second E-slot:
Today the Castro Cougars watched the video based on the book The Dot by Peter Reynolds and had a lively class discussion about how we are all creative in many different ways. Then we decided to put our talents to work to create a work of art using paint. We look forward to a great year of exploring our talents!
Continuing to develop the whole child...
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