From July 10-15, ten Laurel Mountain staff members attended Confratute at the University of Connecticut. Confratute is THE CONFERENCE about the Schoolwide Enrichment Model. We had a great time and learned many new things, which I will share on the blog soon.
But for now, I wanted to post the Prezi presentation that Marci Shrull and I presented titled "Pick Our Brains About SEM". The purpose of the presentation was to give a little background information on what we do with the SEM at LME and to give attendees a chance to ask questions and get some advice. Thanks to all that attended. It was fun getting to know you a little better. Hopefully we helped answer some questions and calm some anxiety about bringing SEM to your school.
Here is the Prezi:
Pick Our Brains About SEM
And here is another Prezi from two years ago from another presentation at Confratute:
It's All About the Baby Steps