Clay Creations
During the enrichment cluster, students experienced several
methods of working with clay including: pinch pots, coil, and slab. The
students were able to use the methods they were taught to design their own
pieces of art. After they made their masterpieces, they were fired and then
glazed. The students decided to donate some of the bowls they made to the Empty
Bowls Project as philanthropy.
Inspiring Illusionist
The “Inspiring
Illusionist” honed their magic skills and improved their illusions during these
8 weeks. We were inspired by a local magician, who came and shared his
background, how he got started, and some of his tips on making a magic trick
memorable. We researched how illusions tricked our brain and different
types of illusions. Each week, they learned a new trick and then chose
one to practice and record into a movie. The group decided to find other
LME classes that were interested in magic and teach them a magic trick.
Five younger classes were chosen based on their interest surveys; two
Kindergarten classes, two first grade classes, and a second grade class.
On December 9,
each group of three students will go into their chosen class and present their
magic trick to the students. They will then provide the materials for the
younger student to do the trick as well. Then they will show the video of
all the tricks.
Traveling Lions
Where in the World did the Traveling Lions explore for the past eight
weeks? We have crossed continents and oceans wide and far studying Spain,
Portugal, China, Kenya, The Galapagos Islands, Mexico and the good 'ole USA -
Maine and Hawaii. Our enrichment cluster looks forward to presenting clay
models, PowerPoint presentations, brochures, books and trifold boards at the
showcase. We will also have clip on KPAW.
Easy as 123D
We learned about 3D
printing and its current capabilities and possible future applications, and
explored a variety of 3D design tools such as Tinkercad, MakeThingsNow, and Blender.
Each student designed at least one 3D element for printing, and discovered how
to better design items that will print correctly. Some students chose to
explore 3D animation using Blender to create Minecraft animations. We welcomed
some guest speakers who helped us learn more about engineering, design, 3D
printing, and 3D animation. The students learned quite a lot and made some
fabulous 3D products!
I Dream of Paint
In the "I Dream of Paint” enrichment cluster students
grabbed a paint brush and unleashed their imaginations! Students explored their
own creativeness creating works of art using ceiling tiles! Yes, ceiling
tiles! Who would think a simple white ceiling tile and some paints could
be transformed to brighten up and liven up LME? Students narrowed down
their service project, spending time adding inspirational messages and
beautiful pictures to the ceiling tiles around LME. Be on the look-out
for inspiration, up ABOVE!
The Lion Ledger
“The Lion Ledger” staff celebrated the publication of their
first issue! We reviewed the articles and the design and continued with
plans for Issue #2. Journalists edited articles, including an upcoming
article on the Westwood volleyball team. Photojournalists were sent
around campus to snap additional photos needed for Issue #2. All articles
were input into the template for issue #2 and revision by the editors took
place. Issue #2 is tentatively scheduled for print and distribution
on Friday, December 9.
The Groundwork
“The Groundwork” enrichment cluster thoroughly enjoyed our eight
weeks together. Our purpose was to work in small groups to create a
design for the natural exploratory/play area, which will be created this spring
outside the 2nd-5th grade playground thanks to funding from a district
grant. We learned about land formation, topography, site maps, and other
things related to landscape architecture, thanks to the expertise of rock-star
landscape architects in the field, Mr. and Mrs. Doerle, who are LME parents of
a 4th grade student. We also had a visit from Mr. Nuccitelli, a civil
engineer and LME parent, to help us learn about erosion and drainage. Our
plans will presented to the Tier II Innovative Action Team, school district
staff and planning professionals, parent/guardians, and other stakeholders at
the showcase on Friday, December 9th, in room 210. Please join us
for a presentation (or few) to support the student voice in planning for this
unique, upcoming space at LME as we share our designs and ideas with those attending.
Got Science?
“Got Science?”
enrichment cluster ended their last session by creating a simple machine, a
catapult, out of a staple remover, spoon, and tape. Shooting marshmallows
is always fun! We also used simple ingredients to create a lava lamp as
chemistry is one of our strongest interest areas. For the showcase we
have compiled a symbaloo of our favorite science video games that can be
accessed through a QR code we will be handing out. A padlet QR code will
also be handed out linking our authentic audience of scientists to science
videos they may want to use to perform their own experiments at home.
Lastly, we will be providing teachers a QR code link to a padlet we created
with all of our Owl Dissection resources (songs, instructions, virtual lab, and
more) so they can perform Owl Dissections with their classes. We will
also be performing experiments for our audience!
LME Explorers Guild
We had a great time delving into the unknown for the past eight
weeks. Our cluster was all about exploring famous monsters and
mysteries, and the students were allowed to choose their own
topic. Their choices were diverse...from Atlantis to the Bermuda
Triangle to Werewolves! Once the students had made their selection, we
began researching our topics using a variety of print and digital media. When
it came time to create something for the showcase, the products were as diverse
as the topics. They included Google Slides presentations, Google Map
collections, Minecraft landscapes, stories and more. We hope you enjoy their
products. Students were asked to look at the evidence and make their own
conclusions. The truth is out there!
Games! Games! Games!
The fifteen boys who participated in the “Games! Games! Games!” enrichment
cluster had a good time learning how to play several new games and sharing some
of their own games from home with other members of the group. We played
dice, word, card, board, strategy, and domino games. Sometimes reading
and following instructions on how to play a new game can be challenging, but
the students did a nice job of breaking the directions down into smaller
chunks, following those directions, and then moving on to the next step.
Silent Ball seemed to a favorite new game; it can be used in our LME
classrooms, especially on rainy days that make indoor recess a necessity.
Cupcake Wars
In “Cupcake Wars”, the bakers learned how to read a recipe,
measure ingredients, bake a cupcake to perfection, and mix together a fluffy
bowl of icing...all while having to convert their ingredients to make the
cupcakes and icing gluten free and vegan. We were able to have the owner of
Cuprimo Cupcakes and Ms. Elliott, a former LME teacher, visit us to learn tips
on working under pressure, baking, and the secrets of how to pipe on icing. For
the finale, bakers had to bake two dozen cupcakes, incorporate their secret
ingredient, pipe on icing, and build a display to show off all they have

It's All About Sewing
“It's All About
Sewing” enrichment cluster is wrapping up eight weeks
of learning to use a sewing machine and making crafty cloth creations.
Students in this cluster first learned how to use the sewing machine. On the
first day of class, we practiced sewing straight lines on paper and controlling
our speed on the presser foot. The remainder of classes we worked on a
variety of products from pillow cases, tote bags, stuffed teddy bears, doll
clothes, hand bags, and even a t-shirt dress. Some students even learned
how to use a pattern to make their creation. We will donate pillow cases
to Dell Children's hospital. This e-cluster has definitely sparked an
excitement for sewing...who know, we might even have the next big fashion
designer in our mists. Special thanks to our parent volunteers who helped
us each week.
Movie Maker
The “Movie Maker Madness” enrichment cluster
explored many aspects of movie making over our 8 weeks. First off, the group
set a central theme and audience for their films. The theme was to be the
school's conduct code or PRIDE (positive, respectful, independent, dependable,
and engaged). Movie makers decided to illustrate and reinforce the ideas
of PRIDE in short films to broadcast to the school during our morning KPAW
feature. Students explored how the "pros" do it and applied
techniques to create a storyboard to plan their films. They then turned their
attention to script writing and stage direction. Once they had their
vision captured and planned, they turned to production. Students created backgrounds
and settings for their scenes. They experimented with camera angles, using
tripods, recording sound and filming. A variety of genres were explored
including live action and stop action filming techniques. A few groups reached
the editing stage where they uploaded their videos and began working with clips
and adding transitions. Overall, the students in “Movie Maker Madness” learned
a great deal about the process and practice of making movies.
Hello? Is Anybody Out There
The "Hello? Is
Anybody Out There" enrichment cluster didn't find any life in outer space,
but they did complete a study of Mars which included what NASA is working
on. The students then broke into groups and began organizing and building
a model of what a colony might look like. They included homes, a
hospital, an area where food could be grown, and land rovers. Finally,
the students created the surface of Mars and placed each item on the surface.
Teamwork and creativity flourished!
Girl Power Robotics
The “Girl Power Robotic” members learned and applied a variety
of collaboration, creative and coding skills to build and program their NXT
Lego Robot. Several girls from the Westwood High School Robotics club
mentored and supported the girls during cluster time. The robots perform
a variety of tasks using multiple sensors and program code. The girls
worked hard and had fun creating models of robots that save kittens from a
burning house, move pebbles off the playground, change direction when
approaching walls or objects, and much more.
To Be or Not To Be?
In the “To Be or Not to Be?” enrichment cluster, we learned about
the terminology of the theater (complicated things like “stage left,”
“downstage,” “apron,” and much more) and learned some acting strategies. We
did some improv and did some “quick plays.” Then . . . we actually
selected a play (two plays, one for each group of thespians), rehearsed, and
performed for an audience of one iPad. We will be showing that play at
the Showcase and the kids will get a copy of the video. Some kids
preferred the backstage jobs, so that’s what they focused on. Other kids
wanted to perform, so perform they did! It was fun! Bravo!