For those of you not familiar with the process of selecting the enrichment clusters topics, here is a brief explanation. Our kinder and first graders completed an interest survey at the beginning of the school year. Based on these results, I created a list of the top 25 interests in the combined grade levels. I sent these interest areas to the kinder and 1st grade teachers and staff. They picked a topic that they were interested in. The teachers wrote a brief description about the enrichment cluster topic and what might take place during the meetings. These descriptions were sent home with our kinder and 1st grade students. This gives parents an opportunity to discuss with their children which enrichment clusters sound fun and interesting.
However, the students make the actual choices in school during the school day. We asked the students to pick five enrichment clusters that they wanted to participate in. That data was sorted and the students were placed in two of the five enrichment clusters they chose. The first round of enrichment clusters lasts for three weeks (April 10-24). Then, the students will switch to a second enrichment clusters that will last for three weeks (May 1-15). Our goal is to give our kindergarten and 1st graders the opportunity to explore and be engaged in areas of their interests. And our kinder and 1st grade version of enrichment clusters accomplishes this goal. The evidence was the smiling faces, energy and chatter as the students walked back to their homeroom classes on Friday at 9:00 am.
Take a few minutes to read below about what happened in each enrichment cluster. We are creating world-class talent by giving our youngest students the chance to explore areas of their interests.
Interesting Insects
Our cluster began with an "insect" hunt in the beautiful LME reading garden. We took our "insects" inside, identified them and then put them in water to grow for next week. Our next activity was to use magnets on a Venn diagram to classify our bugs as insects, not insects, and those we were not sure about and could continue our research to learn more. One of our favorite cluster activities was "Saving Larry the Larvae". Larry the Larvae (a gummy worm) was cruising around the ocean on his boat (a cup) when it capsized. We had to use two paperclips to save Larry by putting on lifesaver (gummy lifesaver) so he could float. Acting out the steps of an insect's life cycle and observing live crickets ended our first cluster with lots of smiles.
During our first enrichment cluster meeting we shared what we know and love about LEGOs and discovered how LEGOs are made. The “Team LEGO” students chose to use their imaginations to create their own designs and make LEGO movies during their enrichment cluster. Spaceships, castles, houses, a crane and even a dance party are in the works! Over the next two enrichment cluster meetings the “Team” will continue to build and create their own LEGO movies using the LEGO Movie Maker App.
The Creative Card Making
The “Creative Card Making” enrichment cluster will be creating original greeting cards. We will learn several card making techniques such as: stamping, die cuts, layering, “pop out” cards, yarn embellishments, using stickers, and MORE! Our enrichment cluster has decided to make cards for friends and family. We will also choose one card we create to send to someone in the military to help brighten their day. On the last day, we will make a Creative Card Making kit. Then we will be prepared to make a new card for any upcoming occasion!
Born to Be Wild!
We had a great first meeting of the “Born to Be Wild!” enrichment cluster. We kicked things off with a "virtual safari" where we saw a variety of wild animals on the interactive TV and used our field journals to note our favorites. Next, we used the iPads to learn basic information about our wild animals on Pebble Go. We noted these findings in our journals. Finally, we got some hands on time with Play-doh to make models of the animals we selected. The kids were able to take this home. During the next two weeks, we'll learn more about our animals via books and online research. We'll also be making animal puppets and other crafts.
Puppet Pals
On Friday, the “Puppet Pals” talked about why they wanted to be in the enrichment cluster. Almost all the children said that they thought it would be fun to make puppets. We discussed different areas of interest such as: performance, making a puppet stage and making puppets. Then, the children worked on paper bag puppets of choice. Some also began cutting a large box to make a puppet stage. Our 5th grade helpers put on a puppet show for the children. During the next two weeks, the children will be provided different mediums to construct puppets. They will also work on making a puppet stage and presenting puppet shows using reader's theater.
Games of Yesterday and Today
In the first “Games of Yesterday and Today” enrichment cluster, we learned three games that used to be popular long ago: Chinese Jump Rope, Jacks and a marble game called Ring Taw. Next time, the kids would like to play some outdoor games, so we will go outside and play Duck, Duck, Goose and a game the kids said they like called “Blob Tag”. In the last session, the kids will be able to choose from the following choices: play a board game, create a board game, play with a marble run, or make your own marble run with cardboard and tape.
In the first “Games of Yesterday and Today” enrichment cluster, we learned three games that used to be popular long ago: Chinese Jump Rope, Jacks and a marble game called Ring Taw. Next time, the kids would like to play some outdoor games, so we will go outside and play Duck, Duck, Goose and a game the kids said they like called “Blob Tag”. In the last session, the kids will be able to choose from the following choices: play a board game, create a board game, play with a marble run, or make your own marble run with cardboard and tape.
What’s Up(cycling)?
We had a great time in the “What’s Up(cycling)” enrichment cluster. We watched a Brain Pop video to teach us about reducing waste, reusing (or upcycling) things that would normally go to the landfill and recycling to help preserve natural resources and minimize waste. We then started on our upcycling projects for the enrichment cluster. We will make bird feeders out of paper towel tubes and pint milk cartons, butterfly art out of paper plates and toilet paper tubes and seed planters out of toilet paper tubes and paper towels (all items that are often thrown away with the trash). We look forward to having fun crafting and creating while we learn new ways to reduce waste by taking a closer look at what we throw away.
Rocks and Minerals
During our first meeting of “Rocks and Minerals” we learned what it means to be a geologist. We talked about where rocks come from and that they are made up of different types of minerals. Ask your geologist about igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. We tried to go on a rock hunt outside of our school but the weather did not cooperate. Luckily we already had some interesting rocks to observe and identify in the classroom. Sprawled out on the floor, the geologists hunted for different types of rocks by looking at their luster, transparency, texture and color. We also filled a rock tumbler with pieces of marble, granite, slate, limestone and quartz. Next week we will open it up and take a look. We also designed our own rock bags to store some precious stones throughout our time together. This will come in handy when we go on our rock hunt next week. Finally, we plan to break open geodes, observe some florescent rocks and turn our polished rocks into beautiful pieces of jewelry in the next two weeks. We are having a blast in “Rocks and Minerals” because our enrichment cluster really ROCKS!
Snappy Snapshots
In “Snappy Snapshots,” we started our first day by learning some of the different techniques and angles used in photography. We discussed and looked through pictures with examples of high and low, close up, wide, and around subject angles. We also learned some basic rules of thumb for taking a good photo including checking for clutter or distractions in the shot, moving your body or using the zoom to get precise shots, how to hold a camera, getting a balance between people and the environment, and the importance of taking plenty of photos to ensure variety. During the second half of class, students were able to put into practice what they learned and take some of their own photos. In our next class, students will be guided through the process of viewing and editing their photos on the computer. After this, students will again get to go outside and take some more photos. In the last class meeting, students will go outside for the last time to take more photos then spend the remaining time editing their latest pictures. Students will go through all the photos they have taken over the past three classes and choose ten to fifteen favorites to be printed, which will then be added to their growing portfolios.
Hocus Pocus
The magicians in the “Hocus Pocus” enrichment cluster had a great meeting on Friday. We learned some vocabulary that magicians often use (levitate, vanish, illusion) and even began learning a few tricks! It was a great time and we are looking forward to learning the secrets behind some more magical illusions next week.
Flower Power
The first week we created flowers by following the directions from our creative blooms kit! The second week, we will be creative with tissue paper, coffee filters and construction paper to make all kinds of beautiful spring flowers. Our final session, we will finish making our flowers and then construct a vase to put them all in!
Just Dance
On Friday, we discussed the excitement of being able to “just dance”. In the next two weeks, we will share dance moves as we move and groove. Sometimes the best way to learn is through each other. We are excited to do that!
Brilliant Builders
We had a lot of fun in the “Brilliant Builders” enrichment cluster on Friday. First and foremost, we talked about safety. We use real tools and we want to avoid all injuries. We then watched a short video on how to use a hammer properly. The kids had time to use a hammer and try to pound a nail into a piece of wood. They learned the importance of hitting the nail squarely as well as how heavy a hammer is. It sure takes a long time to pound the nail all the way in! Next week we will work with screwdrivers and possibly sandpaper. The last week will be free time to create something or to use some of the tools we had the first two weeks.
Friday, April 10th was our first meeting. We were able dribble the ball around, play some passing games and then spend some time at the end discussing what we wanted to get out of the cluster. There were two main topics that came up. The first one was learning a few new moves and the second one was they really wanted to play a game of soccer. Coach Gordon told them we will plan on learning new moves in our 2nd meeting. Then for our third meeting, we will have a scrimmage and play against each other.
The Pathfinders
At our first meeting we learned the basics of how to use a compass. We pointed to each checkpoint with the scale arrow and rotated the compass dial to align the compass arrow to north in order to find our way. There was a refreshing tangerine snack waiting for us at our final destination! We are hoping for good weather at our next meeting so that we can have an outdoor adventure. We read the story A Walk in the Wild Woods and discussed going to the preserve for our final meeting. Our fifth grade helpers assured us that that it would be a safe journey. We are lucky to have their expert guidance!
Book Fun
The “Book Fun” enrichment cluster is lots of FUN! At our first session we looked at many books and book characters. The students selected some of their favorites and begin drawing them. We cut them out and mounted them to stand-up straight and tall. During the second meeting, we will design a little house for our book characters to live in. What accessories should be included to make our book characters feel at home? At the third session, the children will make tiny books. Every little house needs books. It’s fun!
Amazing Animals
Creative Computer Crew
The “Creative Computer Crew” took colorful photos around LME using iPads last Friday. Once we returned to class each student created a photo collage using the iPic app. The students used various photo editing tools, backgrounds, stickers, and drawings to create fabulous designs which they shared with the whole crew. In the next two weeks we plan on creating stories or movies and exploring coding using various apps. Stay tuned to our adventurous creativity with iPads.