- Based on student interests
- Purposeful
- Drawing, if that is what kids like
- Exploring
- Expanding interest
- Exposing
- Finding
- Creativity training
- Problem solving
- Depth
- Being with kids with the same interests
- Explore what you are truly interested in
- Type 1 activities AND time to explore further
- Could be a one time thing or could be semester long
- Community building
- Service learning
- Cross curricular
- Small group
- Flexible grouping
Bar graph from survey results...E-slot is the brown bar
"Will it float?" Experiments
Seeds planted
Lions being painted
Food coloring, milk and detergent experiment
Shaking for ice cream
Spaghetti, tape, string and marshmallow towers being constructed
Another class bar graph...enrichment is the brown bar.
"How do we like to present?" bar graph. Our kids LOVE technology
First grade goals
Lincoln Log construction
Salt dough maps
Selling goods for jewels
Our classes fit together
Marker experiment
"Me" Museum
LME Students are "Game Changers"